Category Archives: gallery

069: Abigail Ogilvy Gallery

  Today’s podcast features a wide ranging conversation with gallerist Abigail Ogilvy about running a gallery, choosing art, and the fine differences between galleries and museums.  Abigail Ogilvy… …opened a contemporary art gallery in her name in October 2015. Winter Group Exhibition: The Salon Show, December 2016 Located in Boston’s SoWa Art & Design District… Keenan Derby, … Continue reading 069: Abigail Ogilvy Gallery

039: Jodi Ohl Paints

I’m delighted to bring you another episode of the Adventures in Arting Podcast!  Today’s guest is Jodi Ohl. Jodi Ohl is a self-taught mixed media artist, originally from Dunkirk, NY, who now resides in Aberdeen, NC. Having recently left her day job to pursue her artistic career full time, she is has built a body … Continue reading 039: Jodi Ohl Paints